Gwent Police joins forces with to beat the burglars

Gio Compario warns homeowners in the Gwent region to “Be Aware”

Gwent Police is getting a helping hand from’s opera singing character, Gio Compario. Gio stars in a new 40 second film and is heard singing about the importance of securing your home to help beat the burglars.

In the film, Gio, real life Welsh opera singer Wynne Evans, catches a pair of burglars and encourages homeowners to lock their doors and windows when leaving their home, even if they are only popping out for a few minutes. A new version of the song has been specifically recorded for the film replacing the word “Gocompare” with “Be Aware”.

Over the past 18 months, Gwent has seen a 32% rise in the number of burglaries from their traditional low levels. Gwent Police has made tackling this problem a priority. A series of anti-burglary operations have been organised resulting in nearly 400 arrests.

Following this enforcement work, burglary figures are falling rapidly. However, detectives in Gwent are still very concerned about the number of householders leaving their properties unsecured – between a third and two thirds of burglaries happen when criminals get in through unlocked doors or open windows.

Superintendent Rhiannon Kirk, who is leading on this issue for the Force, explains:

“We know that a large amount of burglaries in Gwent could have been avoided as they happened in homes and premises which were unlocked and insecure.  We appreciate that our communities are close-knit and people obviously feel safe if they are doing this, but residents must play their part in helping to prevent crime. Securing your property can help to deter most opportunist burglars.

“The film will be offered to every school in Gwent, in the hope that it will be shown before the end of the summer term.

“Educating children at a young age about keeping our homes safe can be a powerful way to communicate the message more widely and develop good habits across the generations, and we believe this campaign can do just that.”

Star of the film, Wynne Evans said: “Gio has become an instantly recognisable figure so it is fantastic to be able to use him in such a positive way.  We know from’s experience that fun characters like Gio are a really effective way to get your message across, so I hope it has the same effect for Gwent Police.  Anyone who has been a victim of a burglary will tell you that it is a real violation and I hope that by getting involved we can raise awareness and get more people to lock their homes.

Hayley Parsons, of Rogerstone, is chief executive of the comparison website,, and is backing the campaign wholeheartedly:

“We were really keen for Gio to get involved in this film.  Children love the character and like to sing-along to the “Gocompare” song. If they now sing the “Be Aware” tune to their parents, that will really help get the ‘Beat the Burglar’ message home.

“I know from speaking to my own six year old son that children are very aware of crimes such as burglary and do worry about their homes being safe.  Hopefully this campaign can help the Police to communicate a really important message to all age groups.”

In addition to the schools initiative,  on July 8th, 9th,10th and 11th a specially equipped screening vehicle will be touring burglary hotspots in Cwmbran, Caerphilly, Monmouthshire, Blaenau Gwent and Newport, and showing the film. Officers and council workers will be on hand offering security advice and holding street surgeries at the same time.

The ‘Be Aware’ film will be offered to every school in Gwent, in the hope that it will be shown before the end of the summer term.

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