Gwynedd Company Launch Pure Exclusive Water Sourced at the Location of Wilson’s Famous Oil Painting ‘Snowdon From Llyn Nantlle’

Richard a Iola Pant Du llaiOn St David’s Day a Gwynedd company will launch a brand new exclusive pure water, that has the perfect pH match for the human body.

Fittingly for a day that celebrates St David, the patron Welsh saint  known as Saint Ddyfrwr, David the water drinker, Pant Du company owners in the Nantlle Valley will present to the world their own unique bottled water. The water travels through pre-Cambrian rock dating back 500 million years. A story that’s certainly worth telling explains Myrddin Davies, Cywain project Manager who has been assisting the company to ensure that the water reaches its niche market.

Keeping true to the purity of the water source and stunning surroundings, the view seen from Pant Du is outlined on the bottle’s imagery. It is the same view seen in the pioneering 18th century Welsh artist, Richard Wilson’s famous oil painting ‘Snowdon from Llyn Nantlle’ 1765. It is believed that Wilson himself, actually stayed at the farm back in the 18th century. The view of Snowdon magnified, with a line representing Nantlle Lake and the mountains reflection can be seen through the water on the bottle itself.

But securing the water from source to bottle has been a long journey explains Richard and Iola Huws, Pant Du owners who already produce red, white, and rosé wines at their farm’s vineyard. They also produce apple juice and cider from their orchard in the Nantlle Valley, Gwynedd.

But now the company has decided to further develop the business, thanks to specialist support from Cywain, the Menter a Busnes added value project that assists Welsh food and drink producers and Annog, Gwynedd Council.

Richard Huws explained the initiative began seven years ago when the family decided to dig for water at the farm for their own use.

“It was such a wonderful high quality water, we decided that we should consider bottling the water as a commercial enterprise,” he said.

The water has very special qualities – it is balanced in minerals, low in sodium and has a perfect pH balance of 7.35 – the ideal level for the human body.

“It was a year ago that we started to dig a new borehole to try and develop the bottled water element of the business. During a period of two and a half weeks we had to dig 85 meters deep to source the water, but with only a budget for drilling 30 meters, we nearly abandoned the project just four hours before reaching the source,” he said.

“We believed initially that the water ran through Cambrian rock but after more research we discovered that it flows through pre-Cambrian rock that’s over 500 million years old! The water is naturally filtered as it travels through the pre-Cambrian rocks, resulting in exceptionally pure and natural water.

He added that the story itself can be found on the unique water bottle, that resembles a wine bottle and is produced by the same company that supplies M&S vodka bottles.

“You could say that the bottle is like a postcard with the area embodied in it. Visitors can take the bottle home and show it to friends and family as a momento depicting exactly where they’ve visited,” he added.

Myrddin Davies, Cywain Manager explains:

“Pant Du family need to be congratulated for their entrepreneurial skills and their success so far. They already have a thriving business at Dyffryn Nantlle, and it has been a pleasure working with them.

Water is a natural resource and is plentiful here in Wales. Adding value to this natural core product is another step towards securing a viable future for the family and business at Pant Du.

We hope to continue to work closely with the family setting Pant Du bottled water on a firm platform, and helping them showcase the brand as one of the best quality waters in the world,” Myrddin explained.

Cywain was set up by Menter a Busnes to bring added value to primary produce within the agriculture sector. The project has received funding through the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013, which is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

Now everything is in place ready for Pant Du water’s still and sparkling bottles to be distributed and sold to shops and hotels. Portmeirion is the first company to stock Pant Du’s water. But Richard says that the bottled water development has been one of the most difficult to get to grips with.

“We have invested heavily in the enterprise and we are demtermined to succeed. The development would not have been possible without the support and enthusiasm of Cywain’s Menter a Busnes project, Annog, Gwynedd Council and the financial support through the farming families fund,” he said.

”Our hope, certainly, is that our water bottles will soon be found all over the world in the hands of some of our Welsh ex-pats satisfying their longing for the grees green grass of home with Pant Du’s unique bottled water,” he said.

You can find out more about Pant Du products by visiting, or for more information about Cywain, visit

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