Gwynedd Council continues to improve

Gwynedd Council has received a positive Annual Improvement Report from the Wales Audit Office – this is the first report of its kind, and it confirms that Gwynedd Council is on firm foundations for improvement over the coming years.

The report, which is aimed at the public, summarises performance in some key fields in order to meet the Gwynedd Improvement Aims.

Huw Lloyd Jones, the Wales Audit Office Improvement Assessment Manager noted that Gwynedd Council had recognised the need to change and that plans were in place to realise this. He reported that it was premature for him to assess the influence of the work, but that he was hopeful that arrangements were in place to realise improvements. He also noted that good progress had also been made in difficult fields, and that it was important to continue with the foot on the accelerator in terms of change.

Gwynedd Council Chief Executive, Harry Thomas said:

“It is pleasing to receive a positive independent report which notes that Gwynedd Council has shown a firm commitment and set a clear focus to improve services for the benefit of local residents. Despite a difficult period, we continue to work hard to deliver the best for the people of Gwynedd.

“It is very encouraging to receive independent confirmation that the Council is being managed well, that we know how to improve and that we serve people well, which are the three main fields which are of interest to the Wales Audit Office. There is good cooperation between the Council’s officers and members so as to ensure that Gwynedd residents continue to benefit from these improvements and that they will continue to benefit in the future.”


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