Gwynedd Council staff step up to the global challenge

Gwynedd Council has been ranked third in the world in an international campaign which encourages people to improve their health by getting active.

Over the summer 84 members of the Council’s workforce took part in the Global Corporate Challenge – an international walking challenge.

Between them, over a period of 16 weeks, they have walked more than 100,000 kilometres or nearly 137 million steps, placing Gwynedd Council third in their category for businesses and institutions through the world.

On International Heart Day, Stephanie Griffiths from the Global Corporate Challenge visited the Council to present a certificate and offer her congratulations to the members of staff who took part for their dedication and success.

Harry Thomas, Gwynedd Council’s Chief Executive, said: “This is the first time that the Council has taken part in this health challenge and it makes up an important part of our health and well-being promotion programme. Staff effort and success in improving their own personal health is praiseworthy, and the result has obvious benefits for both the individual and the Council.”

The scheme is aimed at encouraging staff to be more healthy, active and productive by making small changes in their everyday lives which can lead to changes for life. The Council secured a Sports Council Wales grant so that each member of staff taking part in the challenge could have a pedometer and an information pack about diet and other health matters.

Each participant had to log how much they walked, swam or cycled each day on the Global Corporate Challenge website. Team-work and camaraderie were also key to the success of the scheme, as team-mates encourage each other to succeed and built up excitement and enthusiasm about the challenge.

The Council’s Occupational Health Unit has seen a dramatic improvement in the health of those taking part, with many losing weight, lowering their blood pressure and cholesterol. The scheme is seen as an important contribution to the Council’s aim to promote good health and wellbeing among staff.

Photograph: Stephanie Griffiths of the Global Corporate Challenge present a certificate to Harry Thomas, Gwynedd Council’s Chief Executive, and members of staff who took up the challenge

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