Gwynedd GCSE results 2011

Gwynedd Council has paid tribute to all of the County’s students who have worked so hard and achieved excellent result in their GCSE exams this year.

Congratulating the students on their success, Dewi R. Jones, Head of Education for Gwynedd Council said:

“The GCSE results are good again this year and reflects the dedication of our young people and their teachers and the high level of parental support. We can be proud of the educational success of our young people which is crucial to the future prospects for Gwynedd. I would like to congratulate all those who have been successful in the examinations, particularly those who have worked hard to achieve their potential – raw examination results do not always reflect this.

“The percentages achieving grades A* and A [20.8%] and grades A*- C [70.5%] are higher than the national figures [19.5% a 66.5%] – this performance is very pleasing.

“The percentage achieving grades A*-G [99.5%] is higher than the national figure of 98.7% and reflects the emphasis placed in our schools on providing the necessary support and encouragement to ensure the success of every individual pupil.”

He also noted that the results were good across the different subjects.

Dewi Jones added: “The performance in all subjects is good but it is pleasing to draw attention to success in the core subjects which reflects the emphasis placed in our schools on developing the basic skills. Success rates in individual subjects such as Business, French, History, Music, Physical Education and Design and Technology are also good.

“I would like to wish our young people the very best as they move forward in their education and training.”

Councillor Liz Saville Roberts, Education Portfolio Leader for Gwynedd Council said:

“The results are good again this year and the pupils are to be warmly congratulated. The success of all our young people is vitally important for the future prosperity of Gwynedd. I would like to thank the teachers for their consistent hard work in preparing the students so thoroughly for the exams.”


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