Gwynedd Pine Marten Project

Work is set to begin in Gwynedd on a project to find out more about one of the UK’s rarest and most elusive creatures.

A cat sized mammal with rich brown fur, a cream chest and prominent ears, the Pine Marten is very rarely seen in the wild. Whilst it was once common, woodland clearances, trapping and persecution over the centuries meant that it had disappeared over much of lowland Britain by the beginning of the 20th century. Today, the pine marten survives only in a scattering of sites outside of Scotland – one of these being Snowdonia.

Laura Jones from Gwynedd Council’s Biodiversity team said:

“The pine marten is a shy mammal, often active at night in dense woodlands. Because of their elusive nature, they are incredibly difficult to spot and sightings are very rare.

“But there have been a couple of possible pine marten sightings in the Bwlch y Groes area between Waunfawr and Llanberis. This is why we are working on this project to find out more.”

The Gwynedd Council-led project will involve collecting sightings information in the local area and surveying woodlands around Waunfawr to see if they’re suitable for pine martens. Good quality woodland areas with holes in older trees for dens and plenty of food such as fruit, fungi, nuts, birds’ eggs and small mammals are ideal.

The most reliable way of confirming that pine martens are present is by collecting DNA. This can be done by undertaking a scat survey, collecting pine marten poo, and by erecting baited hair tubes in the hope that pine martens will clamber in to the tubes in search of a meal and leave behind a hair or two. The project will be using both methods, and there is an opportunity for volunteers to get involved and join in the hunt.

There will be a special pine marten talk held at Y Sgubor, Antur Waunfawr on Thursday, 20 January 2011 between 7pm and 8.30pm. Why not come along to learn more about these amazing creatures and how to survey for them. There will also be an opportunity to sign up to help with the field surveys.

The project could result in the exciting discovery of pine martens in the Waunfawr area – only time will tell.

For more information about the project, contact Laura Jones, Gwynedd Council’s Biodiversity Officer on 01286 679381 or email: [email protected]

Photograph: Pine Marten © Bill Cuthbert
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