Participants at the Oak Tree Centre displaying their colourful creations
There will be some Happy Faces and Dancing Feet in Rhyl Library Gallery this summer.
North Denbighshire Communities First Cluster and the Oak Tree Centre in Rhyl, together with Family Information Service have been working with professional visual artist Luned Rhys Parri and dance practitioner Jamie Jenkins from NEW Dance to create artwork based on the theme of “Happy Faces…Dancing Feet”.
Over the Easter period Luned and Jamie worked collaboratively with baby and toddler groups, a holiday club and people from the local community to explore in a fun and practical way how young people respond to emotion, what makes them happy and how this is physically and verbally conveyed.
The project is run in partnership with Communities First East Flintshire and Flying Start in Deeside where they have also been working with young people from the local community.
The results of the projects can be seen at Clwyd Theatr Cymru from 6 May to 10 June 2014 and at Rhyl Library Gallery from 24 May to 12 July 2014 and young people will perform alongside the exhibits during the opening receptions.
Sian Fitzgerald, Community Arts Development Officer for Denbighshire said of the project:
“This is a wonderful opportunity for all involved, both to develop creative skills in the community and also to further develop creative partnerships, not only with the North Denbighshire Communities First Cluster and Family Information Service within Denbighshire, but also with Flintshire Arts Service.”
The parent of one of the participants commented: “They’ve enjoyed all the activities. It’d be great to have more opportunities like this”.
This project had been jointly funded by Denbighshire Arts Service, Flintshire County Council Arts, Culture & Events Section, Communities First East Flintshire and The Arts Council of Wales.