Have your say about bus services in Gwynedd

What’s your opinion about bus services in Gwynedd? Are buses available at convenient times? Are the buses generally punctual? And are they comfortable to travel on?

A survey is underway which will give the people of Gwynedd the opportunity to have you’re their say about every aspect of the bus services.

The ‘Gwynedd Local Bus Survey 2012’ aims to gauge the opinion of passengers about the bus services and to collect information about travelling patterns. The survey results will be used to plan the future travel network and to prioritise services.

At the moment, bus services are provided in two ways – on a commercial basis by independent companies who respond to opportunities or under contract by the Council. With the services under contract the Council can respond to gaps in provision.

Councillor Gareth Roberts, the Cabinet Member with responsibilities for transport said;

“Consulting with members of the public who use the bus services is an integral part of the process of planning a sustainable transport network for the future.

“We are in a challenging period where services need to be sustainable financially and environmentally, and provide travelling opportunities which are appropriate and attractive to Gwynedd’s residents.”

How can I have my say?

You can take parting the Gwynedd local bus survey in many ways:

On-line – go to www.gwynedd.gov.uk/bussurvey2012
Over the phone – contact Galw Gwynedd on 01766 771000
Face to face – when travelling on the bus. Officers from the Transport Unit will be travelling on many of the services asking passengers for their opinion.

You will need to complete the survey by Friday, 15 September 2012.

For further information about the Gwynedd Local Bus Survey 2012 contact Gwynedd Council’s Integrated Transport Unit by phoning 01286 679 535 or send an e-mail to [email protected]


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