Hayes Public Toilets get New Lease of Life

Cardiff Logo smallThe historic underground public conveniences on the Hayes will re-open after Cardiff Council arranged an alternative model of running the facilities subject to cabinet approval on the 13th March.

Cabinet Member for Environment, Cllr Ashley Govier said, ‘The closure of the Hayes toilets last year was one of many tough decisions we’ve had to make as an administration in these very harsh financial conditions. The closure meant we could save £120,000 per annum but of course we’ve been mindful of the historical significance of these conveniences and undertook to investigate the feasibility to secure the re-opening of the public conveniences through an alternative method of delivery.’

The land over the Hayes conveniences is owned by Cardiff Council and leased to tenants to run the Hayes café. During a recent rent review, the café expressed an interest in re-opening and operating the toilets with council officers subsequently drawing up a new lease to include the use and maintenance of these facilities. It is proposed that the Council will pay the tenant a one-off capped payment of £12,000 from the 2014/15 Community Toilets Scheme budget as a contribution towards start-up costs for the first 12 months of operation.

Cllr Govier added, ‘I’m delighted that we have worked so effectively with our tenants operating the Hayes café to also run and maintain the toilets so we can return a popular Cardiff landmark to public use. Once the cabinet approves this alternative model of delivery, the intention is to open this facility again as soon as possible.’

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