Health Minister Announces Second Stage of Mid Wales Healthcare Study

Mark Drakeford AMHealth Minister Mark Drakeford has today published the final terms of reference for the independent study into healthcare in Mid Wales following feedback from local people, clinicians and community representatives.

An extensive engagement exercise carried out by the Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care (WIHSC) has concluded after receiving responses from 145 people at face-to-face meetings, telephone calls and written correspondence.

Health Minister Mark Drakeford said:

“The Mid Wales Healthcare Study will identify the issues and potential solutions for providing accessible, high-quality, safe and sustainable healthcare services, which meet the specific needs of people living in the largely rural and often remote communities of Mid Wales.

“This independent study will cover a number of areas, including the population’s health needs; public expectations; workforce models; service organisation models; funding and sustainability, innovation and application of new models and service integration.

“The study is due to be completed in September when it will be given  careful and open consideration. Health Boards and Welsh Ambulance Services NHS  Trust covering Mid Wales will be expected to take the report into account in their plans.”


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