The Royal British Legion in Cardiff has launched its Poppy People campaign with the help of Cardiff Council and two Army lads, to recruit a new generation of volunteer collectors for its annual Poppy Appeal.
Cardiff Council has placed 600 large poppies around key visual points across the City Centre including St Mary’s Street, Central Station and the large tree within the grounds of St John’s Church. It was their aim to create impact on the public and remind everyone how important the Poppy Appeal is.
Cardiff Council leader Rodney Berman said: “Cardiff Council is proud to assist with this year’s Poppy People Campaign and Appeal. The Cardiff City Centre Management team has done an excellent job and I hope the poppies displayed around the City will prompt the public to come forward and help with the 2009 Poppy Appeal and to give generously this year.
He added: “This Council values the importance of volunteering time to the British Legion’s Poppy Appeal as the British Legion are the leaders on Welfare assistance for those currently serving in the British Forces and the ex-service community.”
David Hughes Lewis Chair of the Retail Partnership kindly donated £600 to the Poppy Appeal to get the ball rolling on the 2009 Appeal. He said: “I am delighted to have been involved in this project. The poppies look fantastic and I wish the British Legion every success in their recruitment drive.”
The Rev Keith Kimber, Vicar of St John’s and Branch Chaplain for Cardiff & Vale RBL said: “The early presence of big poppies in such numbers, all down St Mary Street, is for all citizens a welcome visual reminder to think of those who gave their lives in wars past. The largest tree in St John’s Churchyard is also adorned with big poppies. On 31st October at midday it will be sheltering the city’s memorial garden of crosses, and witness the RBL’s annual ceremony of remembrance to the Fallen. On that occasion we will be thinking especially of today’s young servicemen and women being killed and maimed on active service right now in Afghanistan, and grieving that the price of peace and justice is still so costly in human lives.”
Ruth Henley, Community Fundraiser South & Mid Wales for The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal invited two currently serving members of the British Army to have a look at the Poppy tree within St John’s Church grounds in the City Centre.
Sergeant Craig Adams, aged 29 has been serving in the Welsh Guards for the past 10 years. Craig has been to Iraq in 2005 and is originally from Llanedeyrn, Cardiff.
Craig explains, “This year’s poppy people campaign is looking to target a younger generation. The British Legion want to build on their already strong support base and get a new generation of collectors. This year’s Poppy Appeal is all about helping the Afghan and Iraq generation of the British Armed Forces and their families, today and for the rest of their lives. Having served in Iraq, I have seen colleagues who have been helped by the British Legion. Many people don’t realise that they support serving personnel and their families and this is a key message I want to give out.”
Sergeant Ian Rogers 39 years of age has been serving in the 2nd Battalion Royal Welsh for the last 20 years. Has been to Iraq on 3 tours between 2003-2006 and is originally from Pembroke.
Sergeant Rodgers explains, “We are here today to get as many volunteers as possible to come forward to help out with the 2009 Poppy Appeal in Cardiff and surrounding areas. The Poppy Appeal is close to my heart as a serving member of the British Army. There are a growing number of serving and ex-service personnel eligible for assistance from the British Legion and we need your help now to raise as much money as possible during this year’s Appeal. If you can spare any amount of time, please come forward because your help will make a difference to the lives of individuals like me in their hour of need.”
Syd Nash, County Poppy Appeal Coordinator for the Vale of Glamorgan explains that although the Legion has some 300,000 Poppy People nationwide, new collectors are always welcome. In Cardiff alone, at least a further 40 people are needed to meet the ever increasing demand.
Ruth Henley Community Fundraiser states “The Royal British Legion is dedicated to serving those who serve and our annual Poppy Appeal is an essential component that allows us to fund the delivery of our Poppy Support to those who need our help most.”
“Our existing Poppy People are extremely dedicated, but in order for the Appeal to be even more successful than in previous years, we must constantly develop and enhance that committed band of volunteers to include young, enthusiastic people who have a real passion for our Armed Forces and for the work of The Royal British Legion.”
“I believe we have the potential, with the support of the great British public, to make this year’s Poppy Appeal, the nation’s most beloved appeal, the most successful to date, as long as those volunteers step forward.”
“We often hear that people are disappointed that they have not seen anyone selling poppies in their area. The only way to solve this problem is for more young people to come forward and volunteer as Poppy People. So if you want to be a part of the most successful Poppy Appeal ever, we need to hear from you now, so that we can ensure the appeal runs with military precision when it begins in October.”
Jane Cook a Poppy Person for 4 years said: “This is my fifth year as a Poppy Person. I give three hours a day, three days a week during the Poppy Appeal.
My Grandfather was a soldier who served this country and I feel that by donating a small amount of my time each year, I am helping old soldiers like him and the young soldiers fighting today in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
To find out more about volunteering in your area call Ruth on 02920 480281, email or visit