Pembrokeshire County Council is seeking to appoint a new Independent Member of its Standards Committee.
Standards Committees have been established to assist with the promotion and maintenance of high standards of conduct by elected and co-opted members of all authorities.
The appointment will be in accordance with the rules laid down by the Local Government Act 2000 and the Standards Committees (Wales) Regulations 2001.
‘Independent Members’ are individuals who will serve on the Standards Committee. You may not become an ‘Independent Member’ if:
* you are, or have been within the last twelve months, a member, officer, or the spouse of a member or officer of any county, county borough, town or community council, fire authority or national park authority in Wales
* you were at any time a member or officer of Pembrokeshire County Council
Applicants must:
* have a strong belief in the upholding of ethical standards in public life
* have an ability to demonstrate lack of bias and come to an objective view with supporting evidence
* have an interest in and knowledge of the local community
However, you may become an ‘Independent Member’ of more than one standards committee.
The appointment is for a four to six year term. A Co-optee Allowance is paid and expenses will be reimbursed. The exact amount of time required to fulfil this role is difficult to predict. However, the Standards Committee has four scheduled meetings a year, plus some other meetings as and when necessary.
Selection will be in line with the Council’s Recruitment and Selection and Equal Opportunity Policies, details of which may be obtained with a description of the role and list of expenses. The Appointment Panel will interview and make recommendations to the Council based on the criteria prescribed.
To obtain an application form and further information, please telephone: 01437 764551 or e-mail: [email protected]
The closing date for application is 9 April 2010. Applications are welcomed from all sections of the community.