Heno – S4C Authority statement

An extended discussion on the response to S4C’s new schedule, launched on 1 March, and in particular the new nightly series Heno took place during the S4C Authority meeting on Thursday 22 March.

Members of the Authority shared the same concerns raised by a number of viewers about the programme.

Chairman of the S4C Authority, Huw Jones, said: “The Authority sympathises with producers and staff as they face the challenge of increasing the appeal of the service while also working with a budget which has been significantly reduced. But we have a fundamental obligation to ensure that our viewers’ opinions – especially when they are as clear and consistent as they have been in the last few days – are heard and have an influence on what is seen on screen. We must protect the standard of the service. The Chief Executive has pledged to place the audience at the heart of the service and we welcome the positive steps he is taking in partnership with the production company Tinopolis, to ensure that Heno is a programme that will successfully contribute to S4C’s objectives and the viewers’ enjoyment.”

The Authority expects to see positive changes to the programme in the short term and another report regarding other aspects of the new schedule will be presented at the Authority’s April meeting.

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