Hi-tech weapon against substance misuse is a European first for Swansea

A vital new weapon in the fight to prevent families being affected by alcohol and drug addiction is being unveiled in Swansea.

In a European first, the city is launching a service directly linking all agencies together so they can intervene with the right kinds of services at the right time to prevent lives and communities being blighted by substance misuse.

The new service called Paris-Smat is being launched later this week and agencies involved believe it has the potential to change the face of prevention and treatment forever by saving lives and cutting crime.

People involved in substance misuse and the families affected by it come into contact with a variety of agencies. Up to now information has been held by each agency separately on databases which were unable to communicate with each other.

But for the first time a single, secure database has been created that all statutory, public and voluntary agencies involved in substance misuse can record and receive information from.

It will mean agencies can step in more quickly and effectively to prevent or manage addiction. This could save lives and limit the risk of addiction that can lead to crime or harm families and local communities.

Cllr Nick Tregoning, Swansea Council Cabinet Member for Social Services, said: “Experience tells us that having the right information at the right time can make all the difference in prevention, treatment and protection from harm. It can even help save lives.

“For the first time agencies in Swansea, Neath Port Talbot and Bridgend will be able to share information at the push of a button and work together more effectively than ever to protect families and children and tackle the problems people with an addiction are dealing with.”

Chief Superintendent Mark Matthias from South Wales Police said: “We now have a way of gaining the level of detail needed to tackle substance misuse more effectively.

“We know that drugs are linked to crime and therefore it has the potential to help people and their families live crime free lives.”

David Evans, Safer Swansea’s Substance Misuse Planning and Commissioning Manager, said: “Thanks to significant funding from the Welsh Assembly Government and Swansea Council Social Services we are now able to roll out what is one of Europe’s most powerful services across Swansea, Neath Port Talbot and Bridgend.”

Sue Stone, Senior Nurse Manager, ABMU Health Board’s Community Drug and Alcohol Team, said: “The main benefit of Paris-Smat is that if a client presents to a service in crisis all the information that is required to assist that client is there on the system. It will save staff time and improve services and ultimately save money.”

Safer Swansea Partnership’s Substance Misuse Action Team (SMAT) brings together a wide range of statutory, voluntary, educational and independent agencies to commission and deliver essential treatment and support services for people directly or indirectly affected by substance misuse.

The Partnership is currently chaired by Chief Superintendent Mark Mathias, the Commander of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot Division of South Wales Police. The SMAT is chaired by Eddie Isles, the manager of Swansea’s Youth Offending Service.

The SMAT greatly benefits from the experience and expertise of specialist treatment services within the City and County of Swansea.

These services and agencies are mainly funded through a Welsh Assembly Government grant that’s administered by Swansea Council. Other funding comes from the ABMU Health Board, Swansea Council (Social Services and Supporting People), Swansea Youth Offending Service and the Wales Probation Trust.

Go to www.saferswansea.org.uk/smat for information on specialist treatment agencies in Swansea.

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