Historic Monnow Gate Receives a New Lease of Life

Cutting the ribbonMonmouth’s historic Gate on the Monnow Bridge was formally re-opened by Monmouthshire’s Chairman, County Councillor David Dovey and Town Councillor Jeana Hall, the Mayor of Monmouth, on Thursday May 1st, following repairs and improvements carried out by the county council.

Monnow Bridge with its Gate has been at the heart of Monmouth’s story for over 700 years and remains the town’s best-loved landmark and an iconic gateway to Wales.  The historic structure is unique in Britain and only a handful of similar bridges survive in Europe.  The recent restoration will breathe new life into Monmouth’s unique heritage.

Councillors Dovey and Hall declared the building open by jointly cutting the ribbon to the refurbished Gate and ascended the narrow spiral staircase to sign the new visitors’ book, replicating the original opening of 1902.

Councillor Dovey recalled his schooldays in the town when he passed over the bridge and through the gate each day and hoped that the preservation work carried out by the council would allow the structure to stand for a further 700 years.    Councillor Dovey said: “The bridge and gate are symbolic of Monmouth and Monmouthshire through history as being of both strategic and economic importance.  As far as the latter is concerned it remains so today as the gateway to Wales”.

Also attending were pupils from Overmonnow Primary School, together with representatives from the town council, CADW and the Monmouth Civic Society.

In recent times, access to the Gate has been limited to one weekend each year but following refurbishment, public access will be increased to one day each week through prior booking at the Shire Hall. For further details of opening arrangements, please contact the Shire Hall on 01600 775257.

The project has received funding through the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013 which is funded by the Welsh Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.


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