Hospital Porter Recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours


A member of staff at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board has been recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for providing almost 50 years of service to the NHS.

Stephen Tatnell, from Cardiff, will receive the British Empire Medal (BEM) for his services to the NHS in Cardiff and his services to charitable fundraising.

Stephen has worked as a Porter for the health board since 1967, spending 24 years at Cardiff Royal Infirmary before transferring to the University Hospital of Wales in 2001. He also helped to raise money for local charities through various stints on hospital radio during the 80s and early 90s.

Stephen who is planning to retire in 2017 which will mark his 50 year milestone in the NHS said: “I found out I had been nominated for the Queen’s birthday honours before I was going on holiday and didn’t think for a minute I would be recognised. It was such a nice surprise to find out I would be receiving the honour, especially for a job I love. I was shaking when I opened the letter.

“There have been many highlights of working in the NHS and I have made so many friends. I really enjoy the day to day patient contact and reassuring them.”

Geoff Walsh, Director of Capital, Estates and Facilities said: “Stephen is such a valued member of the team and it’s fantastic that his hard work, passion and dedication to his job has been recognised in such a prestigious way.”

Stephen is still unaware of who has put his name forward for this honour but since his nomination he has received congratulations letters from First Minister Carwyn Jones and Julie Morgan AM.

Stephen will be receiving his medal at a local ceremony with an invitation to attend the Garden Party at Buckingham Palace next June.

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