Housing association strengthens language commitment

Housing association, Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd (CCG) reaffirmed its commitment to the Welsh language today (3rd August) as it launched a consultation into its language plan.  

CCG Chair, John Glyn Jones presented the draft plan to Welsh Language Board Chair, Meri Huws at the National Eisteddfod in Wrexham.

With little over a year since CCG was set-up, this is the first language plan it has introduced. A copy is available at www.ccgqwynedd.org.uk or by contacting the Governance Team on 0300 123 8084.

John Glyn Jones said:

“This is an important step for us today. From the outset we have been committed to develop and protect our communities and unique culture. Presenting our language plan for consultation today is a key part of achieving just that.”

Meri Huws added:

”We welcome this commitment to the Welsh language. It is important that organisations like CCG recognise the value of running their business bilingually and of offering opportunities to local people to work through the medium of Welsh. It also ensures that CCG customers receive the best possible service in the language of their choice.”

The closing date for the consultation is October 5th; CCG welcomes responses by letter or email.

For further information about the plan contact Rhys Evans on 01248 677144.

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