How to improve Gwynedd’s environment

What are the most important things which need to be done to improve the environment in Gwynedd?

Gwynedd Council wants to hear local people’s opinions about environmental quality in the county, by taking part in the Environment Survey.

The survey focuses on a number of environmental issues which the Council is responsible for, including;

  • Waste and recycling
  • Environmental quality
  • Environmental crime
  • Roads

Responses to the survey will be of practical help by highlighting issues which are of common concern and indicate which steps need to be taken in particular areas. The survey’s results will also be used to develop services and set priorities for the future.

This survey is a part of a wider campaign with members of the Citizens Panel, a representative group of Gwynedd’s population which have agreed to take part in around four surveys every year.

Councillor Gareth Roberts, the Cabinet Member who leads on environmental matters said:

“Receiving feedback and comments by Gwynedd residents is key as we review our services and plan for the future.

“This is an opportunity for the county’s residents to highlight problems or to praise environmental matters – from the waste and recycling service, to dog fouling, fly-tipping, road maintenance or anything else which springs to mind.”

How can I have my say?

Help the Council ensure a quality environment, by logging on to

The survey needs to be completed by Friday, 10 August 2012. Once the consultation period has come to an end the results will be available on the Council’s website

For further information about the Environment Survey or about the Citizens Panel contact Iona Thomas by phoning 01766 771000 or send an e-mail to [email protected]


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