Howell’s pupil inspired by Nepal charity trip

A sixth former from a top girls’ school is back from a trip to the roof of the world.

Seventeen-year-old Lois Hulson, from Dyserth, spent ten days on a charity stay in Nepal and visited the capital, Kathmandu, and the Himalayas.

Lois, a day girl at Howell’s School in Denbigh where she is studying Geography, PE and Art, is planning to go to Oxford University and hopes to become a pilot or a speech therapist.

She said: “My aunt works with a charity called the Brick Children School in Nepal and she arranged for me to go and do charity work out there.

“I spent time at a school for children with cerebral palsy, at a state school and at the Brick School where I was teaching arts and crafts.”

Howells School Trustee Nicola Locke said: “It was a wonderful opportunity for Lois and she certainly seized it.

“As a school we are very keen for the girls to broaden their horizons and take advantage of the chance to travel and experience as much of the world as possible and to help others as well.”

The Brick Children School was set up ten years ago thanks to Wrexham man David Phoenix who was inspired to set it up after a visit to the Kathmandu Valley where hundreds of children work alongside their parents in dreadful conditions making bricks by hand.

The school now provides over 250 impoverished children with an education thanks to the efforts of the Rotary Club of Wrexham, Rotarians in Nepal and the Red Cross and Lois said: “It was a real eye-opener being there but very rewarding as well.

“The children there didn’t speak much English but we managed to get along and it was a fantastic experience to work with them.”

“I did get a chance to see the Himalayas and flying over them was an amazing experience but the whole trip was pretty amazing and inspiring.”

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