Hundreds helped to get to grips with latest Government benefit change

Swansea Council staff are on hand to deal with enquiries about the latest Government changes to Housing Benefit.

Hundreds of single people in the city are facing a significant reduction in the benefit they get and could have to make up a shortfall in their rent themselves or consider moving to a lower-priced accommodation.

The latest change by the Government affects single people aged between 25 and 35, who do not have children, by limiting the amount of Housing Benefit they can receive.

Rose McCreesh, Revenues and Benefits Manager, said:

“The Government has made significant changes to housing benefit in recent years and we are working hard to help people find out whether they are affected and how.

“There will be a significant reduction in the Housing Benefit of those affected once the new rules start applying to their claims. They could face a reduction in weekly Housing Benefit of a third – more than £30 per week.

“We are expecting to be busy dealing with queries from people wanting to know how the Government changes affect them and we are endeavouring to provide them with the information and advice they need.”

Under the previous system most single people aged under 25 who rent from a private landlord were only entitled to Housing Benefit at the rate for shared accommodation (a bedsit).

The shared accommodation rate is usually substantially less than the rate for one bedroom self contained accommodation (a 1 bedroom flat).

From January 1, 2012, this rule has been extended to include people who are aged under 35 and so the amount of Housing Benefit that those  in this group are entitled to will be reduced, even if it means they face a rent shortfall.

The Government aims to save £215 million nationally by 2014/15 due to this measure alone.

The change will not affect everybody at the same time and there will be some exceptions.

For new customers making a claim on or after 1st January 2012, the shared accommodation rate will be applied immediately. For people already claiming Housing Benefit before 1st January 2012, the shared accommodation rate will kick-in at a later date.

Usually this will be on the yearly anniversary date of their claim but it could be before then if their Housing Benefit has been protected from the Government’s last changes to the Housing Benefit scheme in April 2011.

There are existing exemptions for those leaving care and the disabled among others. Two new exemptions have been introduced for people in the 25 to 35 age group who have previously lived in hostels and also for some ex-offenders.  .

Further details are available from the Council website at

Anyone who needs further information regarding the changes can contact the Benefits Section on 01792 635353, email [email protected], or make a face to face enquiry at the Contact Centre in Swansea Civic Centre.

Anyone who needs support to help deal with the effect of the changes can contact Housing Options at 17 High Street or on 01792 533100.

Shelter Cymru’s 24-hour housing and benefits advice line is available on 0845 075 5005.


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