Ian Lucas MP Backs Bill Aimed at Halting Bedroom Tax

424px-Ian_LucasWrexham MP Ian Lucas has lent his support to a 10 Minute Rule Bill aimed at overturning the Bedroom Tax.

Mr Lucas was among those Labour MPs who have put their backing behind Ian Lavery MP’s Bill, which was read today in the House of Commons shortly after Prime Ministers’ Questions and a statement on Hillsborough.

Having first spoken out on the Bedroom Tax more than a year ago, when he tackled David Cameron about the case of a disabled constituent, Mr Lucas has remained opposed to the proposals ever since and has raised them with Ministers repeatedly during the last twelve months.

Figures released by the National Housing Federation last year demonstrated that1,303 people in Wrexham are likely to be hit by the Bedroom Tax. The figures suggested that those affected were losing on average £459 per year if one bedroom is affected and £819 if two or more are.

The Bedroom Tax, being implemented by the Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition Government, is housing benefit cut for people who live in houses which the Government says have a spare bedroom. Labour have said that, if elected, they will scrap the tax.

Mr Lucas, who was in the chamber to see the Bill put forward, said:

“For more than a year opposition MPs have been telling the Government that the Bedroom Tax is unfair and will not work. Recent reports in Wales suggest that some housing associations think the tax will cost the public purse more than it saves, because of the cost of providing suitable accommodation for those people with special requirements who have been forced to move as a result of the changes. Yet the Government is still pressing on regardless.

“I hope that this Bill will – even at this late hour – give the Government the chance to change their minds and axe this tax.”


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