Thirty eight shops across Denbighshire will be given a boost to start the new year – with funding to give their businesses a make-over.
The Shop Frontage Improvement Scheme was set up to provide funding for businesses in Denbighshire to improve the overall look of key premises within the town centres and have the greatest positive impact on the street as a whole.
The scheme applies to the whole shop frontage, including the pavement area and surrounds, as well as signage. A contribution up to a maximum of £500 with fifty percent match funding from the businesses was available.The scheme ran in a partnership with Town Councils and support from the Business Groups across Denbighshire.
Michelle Rendell, Business Growth Officer for Denbighshire County Council said: “This year has seen the largest number of applications ever received as part of this programme.
“Not only does this funding allow businesses to improve the look of their shop, but also gives a boost to business confidence and a feel good factor for those visiting.
“The Council and its partners are working to improve the fortunes of town centres and this scheme is one of a number of initiatives where we are trying to spruce up areas, to encourage more people to sample what’s on offer locally, rather than shopping in out of town retail centres.”