Important Nursery School Admissions Information for Cardiff Parents

Parents of children in Cardiff who are due to start nursery school in the academic year starting September 2012 are being reminded of the importance of registering their preferred nursery school option with Cardiff Council.

Children become eligible for free part-time nursery education from the term after their third birthday. Parents and guardians need to register children born between 1 September 2008 – 31 August 2009, by completing their preference form by Monday 20 February 2012.

Most parents will know the local nursery schools in their area and which one they would like their child to attend but will still need to complete and return the preference form by the deadline. If parents do not submit their forms by 20 February, their application will not be considered in the first round of applications.

There is still time to obtain a preference form by calling the Admissions office on 029 2087 2922/2919/3994, email your child’s name, address and date of birth to [email protected] or write to the Chief Education Officer, Education Service, County Hall, Cardiff CF10 4UW.

The deadline for a preference form for children born between 1 September 2009 – 31 December 2009 is Monday 9 July 2012 and the deadline for children born between 1 January 2010 – 31 March 2010 is Monday 8 October 2012.

Executive Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, Cllr Freda Salway, said: “It’s extremely important that parents choosing to send their children to nursery complete and return the preference forms to indicate the preferred nursery school for their child to attend. There are strict deadlines in place for applications so parents must ensure that the Council receives details of their preference by the set dates.”

For more information on school admissions, visit or call 029 2087 2922/ 2919 / 3994.


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