Improved safety on Caerphilly roads

The number of people killed or seriously injured on Caerphilly county borough’s roads has almost halved, according to official figures released recently by the Welsh Assembly Government.

Recent statistics show that in Caerphilly county borough there has been a substantial 48% reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured on the county borough’s road network compared to the 1994-98 baseline figure.

This far exceeds the targets set by the Welsh Assembly Government to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on roads by 40% by the end of 2010.

Cllr Rob Gough, Cabinet Member for Transportation and Planning said, “These encouraging figures reflect the excellent work that has been undertaken over a number of years to reduce the number of road casualties throughout the county borough.”

He continued, “Road safety is dependent on a range of partners working together to implement educational, engineering and enforcement measures that have a long term impact on reducing the number of people that are killed or injured on roads across the borough.”

“We at Caerphilly County Borough Council will continue to strive to exceed the targets set by the Welsh Assembly Government by reviewing and considering additional measures that build on the success to date. It is crucial that the partnership work being undertaken by all those involved in road safety continues, so that the number of road casualties in the county borough is reduced even further”, he added.

The Welsh Assembly Government’s targets set for Caerphilly County Borough Council for slight casualty reduction on roads is also being exceeded, and excellent progress is being made towards meeting the 2010 target for reducing the number of young people killed or seriously injured on the county borough’s roads.

Cllr Gough continued, “Our road safety team also works hard to provide training and education to young people across the borough on all aspects of road safety, and regularly participates in events and promotional activities to help promote important road safety messages.”

For further information, please contact the Road Safety team on 01495 235 402.


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