Inaugural North Wales Pilgrimage begins in Flintshire

The very first pilgrimage along the new North Wales Pilgrim’s Way has started at Basingwerk Abbey near Holywell.

More than 50 pilgrims gathered for a blessing service at the Abbey on Sunday 7 August before starting the 127 mile walk to Bardsey Island.  Around 14 of the group will trek the full distance.

The pilgrimage was devised by the Dean of St Asaph Cathedral, the Very Reverend Chris Potter and his wife Jenny after their pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

Chris and Jenny will walk the whole route to Bardsey and Chris said:

“We’re very excited and it’s great that it has come to fruition – the fact that it got this far is stunning.

“We’re really looking forward to the company and the chance to walk this distance on the pilgrimage.”

The pilgrims were blessed by the Bishop of St Asaph, the Right Reverend Dr Gregory K Cameron.  He’s not walking the route but led a service ahead of this first pilgrimage.

The Bishop said:

“We very much hope you will enjoy walking the inaugural pilgrimage.

“Two years ago Chris and Jenny Potter walked a pilgrimage in Santiago and they decided that what could be done in Northern Spain could be done in North Wales.

“They had a vision to open a route here that pilgrims could walk.  That vision has now been turned into reality.”

The pilgrims will “waymark” the route using the symbol of a Celtic Cross which means anyone will then be able to follow the pilgrim route at any time of the year.

The pilgrims are due at Bardsey Island on 18 August.

Photograph: Bishop Gregory sending the Pilgrim’s on their way
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