Industry gong for joint councils team

Denbighshire and Conwy Councils’ joint street lighting team is celebrating after being honoured with an industry award.

The team won the Best Service Team: Highways, Winter Maintenance and Street-lighting honour at the recent Association of Public Services Excellence (APSE) Awards ceremony held in Bristol.

They were competing against councils from Newcastle, South Ayrshire, South Gloucester, Staffordshire and Stockton-on-Tees.

Councillor Sharon Frobisher, Denbighshire’s Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, said: “The team is to be congratulated for picking up this prestigious award.  The APSE awards are arranged to celebrate the delivery of frontline services in local government and we are proud that the work being carried out in both counties has been recognised for excellence”.

Councillor Joan Vaughan, Conwy’s Cabinet Member for Highways and Infrastructure, said: “Collaboration is very much the way forward and this award clearly shows that working in partnership is paying dividends. To be recognised for their work is a feather in the cap of every member of staff who work tirelessly to provide the best possible services for residents.”

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