Industry nomination for joint councils team

Denbighshire’s street lighting team is celebrating after being shortlisted for two national industry awards – only weeks after winning another title.

The team has made the shortlist in the Performance Networks Best Performer and Most Improved Performer award categories for street lighting  at the forthcoming Association of Public Services Excellence (APSE) awards being staged in Blackpool in December.

Only last month it was announced that the team, which is a joint team with Conwy Council,  had won the Best Service Team: Highways, Winter Maintenance and Street-lighting honour at the recent Association of Public Services Excellence (APSE) Awards ceremony held in Bristol.

Councillor Sharon Frobisher, Denbighshire’s Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, said: “The team is to be congratulated for being shortlisted and is fast creating a name for itself as being one of the best performing teams in the country when it comes to street lighting.

“The APSE awards are arranged to celebrate the delivery of frontline services in local government and we are proud that the work being carried out in both counties has been recognised for excellence”.

“To be shortlisted is a feather in the cap of all those involved and fingers crossed that their dedication is rewarded.”

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