Injuries spark appeal over beach barbeques

Bridgend County Borough Council is urging visitors to Porthcawl’s bays and beaches to think twice before lighting up disposable barbeques.

It follows recent incidents in which a teenage girl was injured when she walked over hot barbeque coals that had been emptied out onto rocks in Sandy Bay. A lifeguard who went to the girl’s assistance also suffered injuries, and both needed to receive first aid before leaving the beach.

Deputy Leader David Sage said: “Disposable barbeques are a major problem as some people don’t stop to think about how they will get rid of them if the coals are still hot by the time that they are ready to leave the beach. This unfortunately means that many are emptied out, buried under the sand or simply left where they are.

“As well as the dangers posed by stumbling onto the hot coals, when the tide comes in the grille often becomes separated from the tinfoil tray in which it sits. This can cause injuries as it has a serrated edge and can be easily stepped on with bare feet.

“If you are using a disposable barbeque, please make sure you can remove it from the beach when you leave – cool the coals with sea water, or wait for them to cool down naturally before placing the tray and contents into a suitable bag. This can then be disposed of responsibly in a litter bin or taken home for disposal.”

Beach and Water Safety Manager Adrian Roberts added: “Bridgend County Borough features several Blue Flag beaches and areas such as Rest Bay are renowned for the striking coastline, golden sands and good surf conditions.

“We welcome all visitors, but please, act responsibly – don’t spoil it for other people by leaving your rubbish behind.”

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