Inspectors praise Milford Haven Junior School

Milford Haven Junior School’s current performance is good and so are its prospects for improvement, according to a report by Estyn, the education and training inspectorate for Wales.

Inspectors from Estyn, who visited the school last year, found that pupils make good progress compared with national and local standards, staff and pupils work together well in a safe and caring environment and teachers provide stimulating learning experiences.

The provision for pupils with additional learning needs is excellent and there are effective strategies for behaviour management resulting in good behaviour being a feature of the school. Leadership is efficient and effective and self-evaluation processes are well embedded, resulting in continuous improvement.

The Inspectors found that pupils’ wellbeing was excellent. They have a very good understanding of how to be healthy through exercise and eating healthily and the outstanding work done by the School Council helps to promote this. Pupils’ attitudes to learning are good and their achievements are recognised by the school.

Both teaching and support staff were praised for their excellent care, support and guidance, particularly for those pupils with additional learning needs and for the more able and talented pupils. Teachers have high expectations of their pupils and the curriculum is well planned with good provision for Key Skills.

The leadership team has clear aims and objectives that support and guide the strong positive ethos of the school. There are strong partnerships with parents, governors, outside agencies and local businesses which contribute to a broad and well balanced provision for all pupils. Budgeting arrangements are systematic and well-monitored. There is a clear spending plan and the school gives good value for money.

Headteacher, Lyn Rees, said that he was delighted with the inspectors’ report as it recognised the dedication and quality of the staff and governors of the school and the hard work and efforts of the pupils.

“The school is a happy community and everyone involved with Milford Haven Junior School can feel very proud of this report,” he said.


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