Iona Jones is New Chair of Celtic Media Festival

The Celtic Media Festival, currently being held in Newry, Northern Ireland, has elected Iona Jones, Chief Executive of S4C, as its Chair for 2010-2013, at its Annual General Meeting.

Founded 31 years ago to celebrate the best in television, film and, more recently, radio and new media, the annual Celtic Media Festival has grown in stature and status to become one of the most prestigious and enjoyable events in the broadcasting and film industries in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany.

Iona Jones, who succeeds RTÉ’s Director General, Cathal Goan, as Chair of the Festival’s Executive Committee, said: “Being elected Chair of the Festival is a special privilege. I look forward to leading the work of developing the Festival together with the members throughout the Celtic nations and regions. I’d like to thank the Director General of RTÉ, Cathal Goan, for his chairmanship over the last three years.”


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