Isherwood: Bill Doesn’t Tackle Labour’s Housing Supply Crisis

Mark_IsherwoodCommenting on the publication of the Welsh Government’s Housing Bill, Mark Isherwood AM, Shadow Minister for Communities & Housing, said:

“The massive decline in house building under Labour since 1999 has caused a housing supply crisis.

“Thousands of households are on waiting lists to find a suitable home and many young people are unable to get on the housing ladder.

“The Welsh Government’s approach is unfortunately unbalanced in favour of the stick rather than the carrot and risks penalising good landlords and deterring people who may wish to bring a home back into use through the private rented sector.

“Welsh Conservatives are a constructive opposition and hope that the Welsh Government will consider the proposals we unveiled to increase the supply of housing by building more homes and bringing empty properties back into use.

“We recognise the positive steps in the Bill to tackle homelessness and meet the accommodation needs of gypsies and travellers.

“Unfortunately these plans do little to tackle Labour’s housing supply crisis, which remains the root cause of shockingly high waiting lists and overcrowding.”


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