Isherwood: Jobs Growth Wales Figures Misleading

Mark Isherwood

Mark Isherwood

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood is concerned that Welsh Government figures showing that almost 10,000 young people are benefiting from the opportunities created by Jobs Growth Wales are misleading.

The  Jobs Growth Wales programme caters for young people that are job ready but have had difficulty securing employment

Last week, Mr Isherwood  raised the matter with the Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology Ken Skates AM, but failed to get answers, so this week has tackled the First Minister over the figures.

Speaking in the Chamber, he said:

“Specifically with reference to Jobs Growth Wales, why does the destination data published by the Welsh Government include recycled jobs, as one job opportunity could result in both an early leaver and a completed six-month opportunity showing within, I don’t understand, the figure of 10,000, or almost 10,000, that you referred to?”

Carwyn jones replied:

“What is important is that there is a job available for a young person at the end of Jobs Growth Wales. There will be some who will not stay. There will be some who will go on to further or higher education, but we know that the vast majority get the opportunity of a job and are staying in that job, and they are opportunities that would not exist if it was not for Jobs Growth Wales.”

Mr Isherwood added:

“Again, my question was dodged. There are serious questions to answer regarding Jobs Growth Wales, yet  no one seems able to answer them. Of the 9,704 created job opportunities claimed by the Welsh Government, 21% left the scheme early and fewer than half had completed their six month placements. We need figures that reflect the reality, rather than apparently and potentially double counting.”

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