Isherwood: More No-Cold-Calling Zones for Flintshire

Mark Isherwood

Mark Isherwood

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood AM has welcomed news that a further 111 no-cold-calling zones are to be created in Flintshire.

Mr Isherwood referred to the increase, which will support over 1,800 properties, when questioning the Local Government Minister, Lesley Griffiths, in the Assembly on no-cold-calling zones.

Mr Isherwood, who has long been calling for the inconsistent provision and enforcement of no-cold-calling zones across Wales to be addressed, said:

“Age Cymru identified huge variations in the no-cold-calling zones of councils across Wales to keep out rogue traders and door-step scammers. For example, it identified that only 1.04% of homes in Flintshire were covered. Flintshire and Wrexham Watch Association contacted me with the good news that it is due to ‘ignite’ or create a further 111 zones, supporting over 1,800 properties, so that is good news. How will the Welsh Government monitor progress across the local authorities of Wales and report back to the Assembly?”

The Minister replied:

“I will monitor it because reporting on the number of zones is a condition of local authorities having the funding. I will publish the data, as well as the updated figures for local authorities across Wales, in April of this year.”

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