Isherwood –Stop Welsh Council Tax Outstripping that in England

Mark Isherwood

Mark Isherwood

With Council Tax increasing faster in Wales than England, Shadow Local Government Minister Mark Isherwood AM has called for Welsh Government action to ensure it doesn’t outstrip that in England.

Mr Isherwood raised the matter in the Assembly Chamber this week following a Statement on the Review of Council Tax Support by the Minister for Local Government and Government Business, Lesley Griffiths AM.

He said:

“You say that Council Tax in Wales is an average £230 lower than in England, but constituents have highlighted that this is only logical given that wages in Wales are far lower than in England. Given that council tax is increasing faster in Wales than in England, what does the Minister propose to do to stop Welsh Council Tax outstripping that in England?”*

Mr Isherwood welcomed the establishment of the Task and Finish Group to review options for the future of Council Tax support for lower income and vulnerable households, and the Consultation launched on 12th December, but criticised the Minister for using her statement to party-political point score against the UK Government.

He said:

“In your statement, you refer to Universal Credit and Housing Benefit…have you also factored in the 200,000 households in Wales that will be better off by £163 per month when the changes have gone through by the end of 2017?”

Mr Isherwood added:

“In England, local authorities are limited to a Council Tax increase of 2%, above which they have to hold a referendum detailing plans for what the Council will spend the increased revenue on. Why is the Welsh Government still denying this part of the Localism Act 2011 to people in Wales, so that they can decide on how their council tax is spent and what it is spent on?”


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