It’s cheers for the Francon Tigers in Bethesda

Youngsters in Bethesda have been put through their cheerleading paces by a local police officer who is a former European champion.

Community Beat Manager, PC Lisa Thomas has been helping to train the 8 – 10 year old Francon Tigers Cheerleading Team in a special 10 week course run by the local leisure centre.

She said: “I got involved because as the Community Beat Manager here I work very closely with the staff at the Leisure Centre.

“When I was younger I was also part of a cheerleading team and we were British and European champions so I wanted to help the Francon Tigers start their very own Pom Pom display team for the village.

PC Thomas said that the course had also helped her in her work as a CBM as she had got to know the children, helped them learn new skills and built up a good rapport with their parents.

The culmination of the course led to a special awards evening with a display by the youngsters when PC Thomas presented all the children with medals with the financial support provided by the police and community trust.

PC Thomas said a new course was starting in January and she was delighted that she had been invited to help once again.

Photograph: PC Thomas was presented with a bouquet of flowers in recognition of her work and she is pictured with some of the team

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