Jane Hutt: Blaenau Gwent Construction Apprentices are Building their Way to a Successful Future

Jane HuttFinance Minister Jane Hutt has met Construction Apprentices in Blaenau Gwent to see how they’re building their way to a successful future.

The Minister met the apprentices during a visit to Coleg Gwent at The Works, one of the UK’s largest and most ambitious regeneration projects, located on the former Ebbw Vale steelworks site. The site has been brought back to life and is providing new opportunities for the people of Blaenau Gwent.

The visit was part of the Minister’s Budget Tour 2014, which will comprise a series of regional events to be held monthly, and will offer an opportunity to meet and listen to frontline staff working at the sharp end of public service delivery – in local authorities, health, housing and the third sector.

The Minister will be visiting projects and settings to meet people who use these services – such as apprentices and pupils, social housing residents and parents – to find out their views on the services that they receive and matter most to them.

The Welsh Government is investing heavily in apprenticeships.  In 2011/12, the number of successfully completed apprenticeships rose to 13,230 – maintaining a success rate of above 80%.

Speaking during her visit, Jane Hutt said:

“Tackling youth unemployment is a priority for the Welsh Government. That’s why we are investing so heavily in programmes that will support young people to find and stay in work.

“As a Welsh Government, we believe in and support Apprenticeships in Wales as they fuel the essential skills base Wales needs both now and in future. But they also help to inspire success and bring huge benefits to the workplace.

“By meeting people who work and use our public services, and who depend on the investment we are making in programmes such as apprenticeship training, we will ensure that the people of Wales’ priorities are reflected in our priorities.”

Deputy Minister for Skills & Technology, Ken Skates added:

“We want to see more construction businesses taking on apprenticeships.

“Apprenticeships make great business sense. They provide a unique package of support, qualifications and experience – something that is highly valued by employers and individuals alike.  The Welsh Government is working very closely with the CITB and construction businesses to develop work-ready young people with the right skills, qualifications and experience to succeed in the construction industry.

“I encourage Welsh employers, no matter what their size, to take a look at the support we provide through our range of Apprenticeship programmes.”

The Welsh Government’s Apprenticeship programme is part funded by the European Social Fund.

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