Jeff Saddened by Loss of Local Cancer Campaigner

Labour candidate Jeff Cuthbert has mourned the loss of local cancer campaigner Bridget McNally MBE, who passed away recently after her latest battle with the disease.

Bridget was a tireless campaigner and fundraiser who worked extremely hard to raise awareness about cancer, and her optimism in the face of serious illness was an inspiration to all who knew her.

Jeff Cuthbert said: “I am deeply saddened to hear about Bridget’s passing. I knew her well and worked with her for a number of years on her ‘Relay for Life’ fundraising campaigns in Caerphilly and the Rhymney Valley.

“As a cancer survivor myself, her endless optimism and joie-de-vivre in the face of recurring serious illness was an inspiration. Bridget worked so hard to raise awareness about cancer and was determined not to let it beat her.

Her work to fundraise will continue, but it will not be the same without Bridget.”


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