Jenny Willott Joins Welsh Lib Dem Colleagues in Call for More Affordable Childcare

Jenny_WillottWelsh Liberal Democrat MP for Cardiff Central Jenny Willott has joined Liberal Democrat colleagues in the Assembly calling on the Welsh Labour Government to improve access to affordable, quality childcare. 

This follows research showing that nearly one in three families spend 30% or more of their available earnings on childcare.

In a debate in the National Assembly held this week by the Welsh Liberal Democrats, the Party called for the Welsh Government to review the system of pre-school childcare entitlement in light of enhanced provision in England under the Coalition Government. Liberal Democrats also called for more wrap around and holiday childcare provision across all ages, and for a single online source of information to make it easier for parents to find information about childcare services and entitlements and how to access them.

Commenting following the debate, Jenny Willott said:

“The cost of childcare is a huge worry for many families. Liberal Democrats in Westminster have vastly improved childcare provision in England, extending the hours available and making the system very flexible. This is in stark contrast to what is on offer in Wales, where families in Flying Start areas are only allowed 2.5 hours a day of free childcare a day.  Even more worrying is that there is little to no provision for children who don’t live in designated Flying Start areas.

“For many families it is not worth having both parents working because childcare has become so expensive.  We must change that.  We’re not trying to force every parent to return to work before their child starts school, but we want every family to have the option so they can make their own choice. Not only would this make life easier for Welsh parents, it would also provide a significant boost to our economy.”


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