Keep Me Posted Campaign is Backed by Paul Davies

Paul_Davies_AMThe Keep Me Posted campaign, has received a boost from Paul Davies. He has expressed his support in the Assembly by signing a Statement of Opinion which calls for greater consumer choice and protection of vulnerable consumers.  

The campaign presses for the consumer’s right to choose how organisations, such as banks, energy and telecoms companies send customers their bills and statements.

The Statement of Opinion states:

“This Assembly:

“Understands many consumers would like to choose how they receive bills/statements and not be subject to any penalty for preferring to receive this information on paper rather than a digital format;

“Notes that consumers who do not have access to the internet or possess basic digital skills are unfairly disadvantaged by organisations that do not offer them this choice;

“Supports the Keep Me Posted campaign which champions the principle that companies and other organisations should continue to offer consumers the right to choose without penalty how they receive information;”


“Continues to recognise the environmental benefits of electronic correspondence.”

Preseli Pembrokeshire AM Paul Davies said:

“’I’m fully supportive of the Keep Me Posted campaign which offers customers the choice of receiving information through paper correspondence if they so wish.  You simply cannot penalise people for choosing to opt for paper correspondence rather than online information. Some areas of Pembrokeshire have particularly bad problems with access to broadband, and it would be unfair to penalise these people, who clearly have a right to communicate in any format that they wish.”

Judith Donovan CBE, chair of the Keep Me Posted campaign, said:

“Since the launch of the Keep Me Posted campaign businesses and consumers have contacted us in their thousands to show their support, and this issue is only going to get more important as customers demand communications choice. We thank Paul Davies for his support in bringing our campaign to the political forefront on behalf of Preseli Pembrokeshire, and urge other politicians and indeed, regulators to look at how consumers are communicated to as a matter of priority.”

Keep Me Posted is calling for businesses and other organisations to offer consumers the right to choose by adopting the campaign’s six-point ‘right to choose’ charter. The campaign is already supported by Age Cymru, the Welsh Senate of Older People, Care and Repair Cymru and Community Housing Cymru Group.

You can sign up to the Keep Me Posted campaign yourself by calling 020 7566 9773;  writing to Keep Me Posted, 24a St John Street, London EC1M 4AY or sharing your stories, preferences and experiences at


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