Keep warm and keep healthy this winter

Gwynedd Council is supporting the national Keep Well This Winter campaign and is urging older people to be prepared for the harsh conditions over the coming months as illnesses, accidents and death rates among older people rise as the cold weather sets in.

This campaign is aimed at making sure that older people – and their friends and families – take simple steps such ensuring that their homes are well heated; finding out about the help and services they are entitled to and stocking up on supplies in readiness for the winter.

Councillor John Wyn Williams, Gwynedd Council’s Older People’s Champion, said: “It is a startling fact that the winter can be a hard time for some of the most vulnerable people in our society. A drop in temperature coupled with fuel poverty can exacerbate existing conditions such as angina or bronchitis and in extreme conditions can cause hypothermia.

“Our advice to people is to make sure that their homes, or at least the rooms they use the most, are well heated and that they wear plenty of layers for warmth, especially when going out. Eating at least one hot meal a day can also help someone keep warm.

“It is also important that older people – especially those who suffer from chronic or long-term illnesses – get the flu jab, and should talk to their doctor about it.

“We would also advise older people to ensure they have a good stock long life foods in the house such as tinned, dry or frozen foods. This means that they are able stay in should the weather take a turn for the worse, for example heavy snow or ice as we saw last winter.”

The Rev Canon Martin Riley, chairman of the Gwynedd Older People’s Council is supporting the scheme, and he and his wife Beryl posed for the photograph used on the campaign poster.

He said: “We all have a role to play in ensuring older people stay well over winter. I would urge people to make sure that friends, relatives and neighbours are safe and well. Sadly, some older and vulnerable people can suffer from loneliness or isolation if they are unable to get out and about during the cold weather months.”

Anyone struggling with the expense of heating their home could be eligible for grants, benefits and advice to make their home more energy efficient or to help with heating bills. For advice and information about your rights, or any other concerns regarding the effects of cold weather, contact the Citizen’s Advice Bureau on 0845 540 3064 or 08444 772020 or Age Cymru Gwynedd & Môn on 01286 677711.

Photograph: Martin and Beryl Riley remind people to dress warmly and stock up on long life foods ready for the winter

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