On Friday, from 10am-11am, toddlers in Newport will be crawling along to Tredegar House to celebrate National Bookstart Day.
An invited audience of children, early year’s workers from the Children’s centre in Duffryn and Health Visitors will enjoy a day of stories, rhymes and a Bookstart treasure hunt. Bears will be hidden for children to find and take home as a reminder of the day.
Bookstart is a national gifting scheme co-ordinated in Newport by Library Services and delivered by Health Visitors. The scheme aims to share books and rhymes with babies and children to help form the basis of language and literacy development.
Bags of books and information are given to babies and toddlers at nine months old and a second bag at 18 months. Book shine bags will be given to children with a hearing impairment and book touch bags to children with a visual impairment.
Throughout October Library Services will be handing out special Bookstart bears to any Bookstart babies who join the library.
Also during October, new weekly Story and Rhyme sessions will start in Maindee, Rogerstone and Newport Central Libraries. Please see the website for further information.
Children up to four-years-old can also start the Book Crawl. Every time they visit their local library they will receive a sticker. When they have accumulated four stickers they will get a certificate and a free book. Pick up collector cards at your nearest library.
For more information please visit www.newport.gov.uk/libraries or call the Bookstart co-ordinator on 01633 414749