Kirsty Williams: A Budget that Delivers for Wales

Kirsty Williams

Kirsty Williams

Responding to today’s Budget announcement, Kirsty Williams, Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats commented:

“This budget takes place during the backdrop of a record number of people in work and with business investment forecast to increase.  Forming the coalition provided the UK with the stable Government it needed to sort out Labour’s financial mess.  Liberal Democrat policies are at the heart of the long term economic plan that is delivering jobs and growth in Wales.

“Today the Liberal Democrats have managed to raise the tax-threshold to £10,500.  This means 1,160,000 people in Wales will have had their tax cut by £800 since the Liberal Democrats came into Government.  Before the election, David Cameron said the Liberal Democrat pledge to raise the tax-threshold was unaffordable.  I am pleased that we have proven him wrong.

“I welcome further moves announced to help businesses.  By extending the period Enhanced Capital Allowances are available in Enterprise Zones, sites at Ebbw Vale, Deeside and Haven Waterways will all hugely benefit.  Likewise, there will be more help for small businesses by doubling the amount that companies can invest tax-free to £500,000.

“Freezing fuel duty until the end of parliament will save drivers £11 every time they fill up their tanks compared to what it would have cost under Labour.  We are also cutting VAT on fuel for Air Ambulances, reducing tax on people’s savings and slashing beer duty by 1p.  These are just some of the announcements that show this a  budget delivers for the people of Wales.

“Liberal Democrats are working tirelessly to build a stronger economy.  However, by ensuring our lowest paid workers no longer pay income tax and by helping with childcare costs, we are also working to create a fairer society.”

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