Kirsty Williams AM Comments on 15 Minute Care Announcement

Kirsty Williams

Kirsty Williams

Kirsty Williams, leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, has accused the Labour party of inconsistency on the issue of ending social care visits that last only 15 minutes.

This follows claims by the Labour party in London that they will end ’15 minute care’ following a report published by Labour’s Lady Kingsmill. However in Wales, where Labour is in Government, the party has consistently voted against Welsh Liberal Democrat calls to end 15 minutes care.

Figures show that 83% of local authorities in Wales commission 15 minute care visits.

Kirsty Williams, leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, said:

“As with zero hour contacts, we are seeing Labour say one thing in England, but doing the exact opposite in Wales where they are actually in Government.

“The Welsh Liberal Democrats have repeatedly called for ‘15 minute care’ to be made a thing of the past. Yet the Welsh Labour Government has outright refused to take action.

“Fifteen minutes is simply not long enough to respond properly to the needs of those receiving care.  First and foremost people want to be treated like human beings. Fifteen minutes is hardly enough time to help get someone out of bed and dressed.

“Care visits lasting less than a quarter of an hour not only let down patients, but they also let down care workers who can’t offer the full support they would like to.

“The Welsh Liberal Democrats are determined to end this practice, yet at ever opportunity Welsh Labour has blocked our plans.”


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