Kirsty Williams: Government Plans to cut Pay could Exacerbate NHS Recruitment Crisis

Kirsty Williams

Kirsty Williams

Kirsty Williams, leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, has spoken of her concern that the Welsh NHS recruitment and retention crisis could worsen if the Welsh Labour Government is to cut salaries of consultants and other healthcare staff.

At their annual conference in Harrogate today, the BMA (British Medical Association) has said the” Welsh Government is threatening to cut consultant salaries in Wales”, which “could mean that they earn 5% less than their counterparts in the UK.”

The BMA has received over 450 unsolicited emails and letters from consultants working in Wales expressing their dismay at these proposals. Many expressed their intention to leave the country or retire.

Kirsty Williams AM said:

“I am hugely concerned by this news. We already face a recruitment and retention crisis in our NHS and these proposals would only serve to exacerbate the problem.

“There is no denying that there is an acute shortage of doctors and consultants here in Wales.  We need these vacancies to be filled as a matter of urgency as such issues can lead to temporary hospital closures, which then have a detrimental effect on patient safety and care.

“A 5% difference in pay compared to across the border could be significant enough to put off many consultants from working here in Wales.  If the Welsh Labour Government goes through with these plans then the recruitment crisis would only worsen.”


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