Kirsty Williams Urges AMs to Support Minimum Nurse Staffing Levels Proposals

Kirsty Williams

Kirsty Williams

Kirsty Williams, leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, has today urged Assembly Members to vote in favour of her proposals for minimum staffing levels for nurses to be enshrined in law.

In December, Kirsty Williams AM was successful in the National Assembly’s ballot to introduce backbench legislation. Her proposal would see Wales become the first country in the UK with a legal duty on safe nurse staffing levels.

Kirsty Williams AM said:

“These proposals have the potential to revolutionise healthcare in Wales.

“Nurses in Wales are under huge pressure with more patients to care for per nurse than any other part of the UK.  I want to change this so nurses have more time to care for patients.  These proposals would be a positive step towards ensuring safe and compassionate care by having the right number of nurses on our wards.

“The Francis Report, which looked at failings by Mid Staffordshire Trust, cited low staffing levels as one reason which contributed to poor treatment at the trust.  There is a clear link between staffing levels and the safety and quality of care on hospital wards

“I am pleased to have received endorsements for the principles of the bill from MS Society Cymru, the Royal College of Physicians, BMA Cymru and the Royal College of General Practitioners Wales.  These proposals are ambitious for Wales and for the Welsh NHS and I hope that Assembly Members will today share this ambition and support them.”


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