Last call for street party road closure applications

Monmouthshire County Council is urging organisers of Royal Wedding street parties to officially apply for road closure by noon on Thursday April 14th if they have not already done so.  Eight applications have been received so far but reports of possible unauthorised closures have led the authority to appeal to party coordinators to make formal applications.  The council is concerned that unofficial celebrations could cause potential difficulties.

Traffic & Network Manager, Paul Keeble said: “Monmouthshire County Council has received eight applications to date but is not aware of any definite plans for unauthorised closures.

“The process for closures of streets has been simplified in order to encourage the community to join in the celebration of the forthcoming Royal Wedding, merely requiring the completion of a form which can be found on the council’s website.  Applications must be received by noon on Thursday April 14th at the very latest so that proper consultation may take place.  Our website also offers guidance to organisers on how to plan a street party from the consents required down to the type and arrangement of the barriers.

Monmouthshire County Council welcomes and supports the proper closure of streets, but is concerned that unofficial closures may result in difficulties for emergency services and possibly conflict with other activities such as maintenance works.  The need to make a formal application is not only a legal requirement but may also save a life as well as avoid disappointment if other activities clash.

“We want people to enjoy the royal wedding and would urge them to apply for an official closure to ensure that nothing goes wrong on the day.  The process is easy and only takes a short time to arrange yet will ensure that everything runs smoothly on the day.  Hopefully this will also include the weather!”

Applications and further information can be found on Monmouthshire County Council’s website:

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