Last chance to go green with Yellow Pages

Pupils across the Caerphilly county borough only have a few days left to collect as many old Yellow Pages directories as they can.

Caerphilly County Borough Council launched its Yellow Pages Schools Recycling Scheme back in December and the response to date has been very positive.

Over 50 schools are competing against each other to collect thousands of old Yellow Pages directories, which will be recycled. Schools that recycle the most directories per pupil will be awarded a share of £1,400 after the race finishes on Friday January 21st.

Last year over 37 local schools took part in the competition and together they helped collect nearly 3,000 directories for recycling. This amounted to around 4.6tonnes of waste paper being diverted from landfill.

Cllr. Lyn Ackerman, Cabinet Member for Public Services at Caerphilly CBC said “The closing date is fast approaching so If you haven’t already recycled your old Yellow Pages directory, please give it to a participating school and help us make this year’s competition the best yet.”

“The scheme teaches children important lessons about sustainability in a fun and engaging way and we hope they will catch the recycling bug and continue with their green efforts in the future” she added.

For more details about the scheme please contact Cath Cuss at CCBC on 01495 235272.

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