Laying of Referendum Order Takes on Added Significance

Plaid Cymru’s Deputy Leader Helen Mary Jones has said that the laying of the referendum Order in Council today has taken on added significance in light of this week’s Comprehensive Spending Review. Referring to the disproportionate cuts to jobs and services now facing Wales from Westminster, Ms Jones said that a stronger parliament would be better able to protect the communities of Wales from the ConDem cuts.

The order in council which has been laid today is the next step towards the referendum on whether the Assembly should be strengthened. It sets out the referendum question and the statement to precede it on the ballot paper, rules for the conduct of the referendum and the referendum date. The referendum will be held on 3rd March next year.

Plaid AM Helen Mary Jones said:

“We have seen very clearly this week how little the ConDem government in London cares about Wales. Their cuts will have a hugely disproportionate impact on our communities, and are expected to lead to thousands of job losses across the nation, and see many people thrust into poverty as their benefits are slashed. The people of Wales remember only too well what happened to Wales last time the Tories were in government. But it can be different this time. The people of Wales have the Assembly in Cardiff, with the Plaid driven government ready and willing to stand up and fight for them. Plaid is committed to doing what it can to cushion the blow of Westminster cuts to Welsh communities, but the Assembly’s powers are currently limited by the cumbersome and inefficient law making system that is in place.

“As we face these devastating cuts imposed by Westminster it is more important than ever that we have a stronger parliament that is better equipped to protect the communities of Wales. The current system is cumbersome and complex and means we have to go cap in hand to Westminster every time we want to create a new law. The savage blows rained on Wales by the ConDem government this week have demonstrated just how little regard they have for Wales and make it very clear just how dangerous it would be for us in Wales to have to continue to rely on their permission to make laws that meet the needs of the people of Wales. A Yes vote in the referendum next year will put the people of Wales in a better, stronger position in what are going to be very hard times ahead.”

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