Leanne Wood Endorses Caerffili Regeneration Plan

The Plaid Cymru leader has backed plans to regenerate the site of Caerffili’s former post office by building a new library there.

Leanne Wood AM met with Councillor Ron Davies, the cabinet member for regeneration at Caerffili county borough council, to discover more about the scheme.

The state-of-the art facility will also include a council customer service centre where residents can access a wide range of council services under one roof.

Ms Wood said: “The plans look very impressive and I commend Caerffili county borough council for their bold vision to breathe life into this corner of the town centre.

“I was particularly impressed by the council’s commitment to sustainability by using the beautiful reclaimed stone from the old post office.  Not only will it make the new library look great but it will also ensure a valuable building material does not go to waste.

“If town centres are to survive and thrive, then schemes which increase footfall in the town centre and give local residents another reason to come into town, are absolutely vital.”

Councillor Ron Davies, the council’s cabinet member for regeneration, said: “This new library follows on from similar and successful schemes we have implemented for the towns of Risca and Bargoed.

“I am delighted that work has now begun on delivering a library that Caerffili can be proud of.”

Councillor Davies added: “The economic downturn has meant money is tight in many households in the valleys.  This has led to difficult trading conditions for some local businesses but I’m proud to say that key town centres in Caerphilly, Blackwood, Bargoed and Risca maintained or increased their footfall figures.

“It is more important than ever that regeneration is placed at the heart of every local authority’s strategy.  In Caerffili county borough, this will continue to be the case if voters place their faith in Plaid Cymru for another term on May 3rd.”

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