Leisure Centre Users More Than Satisfied

Leisure centres across Rhondda Cynon Taf continue to positively improve according to a recent survey carried out with over 700 users of the centres.

The survey which takes place annually helps the Council’s leisure service to plan the activities on offer and ensure they meet the needs of its users.

The results for 2010 show a steady increase in satisfaction across all key areas, including; classes, fitness equipment, cleanliness, staff, value for money and lots more.

Compared to 2009 users rated the quality and temperature of their local swimming pools as good or very good, which led to an increase of 20% for 2010.

Over half of those surveyed (63%) use the centres for swimming activities or to use the fitness equipment

Friendliness of staff was rated as good or very good by almost 95% of those taking part in the survey, with the majority of those surveyed (53%) returning 3 times or more per week to use the centres.

Value for money was definitely high on users agenda with 99% of those surveyed stating it was very important or important. When asked whether users felt the activities on offer were value for money 87.5% felt that they were, which is a 10% increase of 2009.

Out of those surveyed over half the users (58%) accessed the centres between 5.30pm – 10.30pm and 68% were either in full-time employment, part-time employment or retired.

Councillor Robert Bevan, Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism, said: “The Council is committed to providing excellent leisure services to its residents and is keen to ensure that the activities on offer match the needs of its users. Every year leisure services carry out this survey to ensure they are delivering, so that they can build on their successes and improve on the areas that are highlighted.

“I am pleased to see that user satisfaction levels have once again positively increased – this is testament to the staff across the service, who take the results of the survey and ensure they act upon them.”


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